Christmas blog by See Horse Design

What your horse wants for Christmas!

Christmas is almost here! Are you ready for it? This time of year can be stressful with all of the preparations, shopping, wrapping and traveling. You’ve probably checked off almost everyone on your list by now, but what about your horse? Do you get him/her a gift? If you’re like me, most or all of your Christmas list was probably a gift for your horse. I used to circle items in the Dover catalog and hand the entire thing to my parents at Christmas! But what does your horse really want? A new saddle? Bridle?… Treats? Now we’re getting closer!

While we may think our horses really want a new set of turnout blankets (Dancer’s gift this year) or some extra treats (also Dancer’s gift this year), a little bit of pampering and time with your horse could be just as beneficial to you as it is to him! (But there’s nothing wrong with treats, of course!)


Here are some gift ideas for your favorite equine:

  • Afternoon at the “spa” – Dancer loves to be groomed! I have multiple rubber curries that he loves to be massaged with. Spend some extra time thoroughly grooming your horse this holiday season and you’ll be amazed at how relaxing it can be for both of you. If it’s too cold for a bath, try sponging or wiping your horse’s coat with a damp cloth to get him really clean! And don’t forget those treats we talked about!
  • Hand grazing – Find the last few patches of green grass and let your horse hand graze for a little while before you turn him back out! We still have a large, green area just outside of Dancer’s paddock and it drives him crazy that he can’t reach it. I try to let him hand graze after our grooming sessions or rides just to let him know that what he wants to do is also important. He lets me ride him and puts up with my slow learning in the saddle so the least I can do is let him eat some clover every now and then!
  • Horse toys! – I’ve tried the Jolly Ball, rolling treat dispensers and a few others, but Dancer isn’t really into any of them. However, the one toy he can’t get enough of is the Lik-It treat holder! He enjoys the Lik-It treats, but his favorite is the Uncle Jimmy’s Licky Things treats. I try to keep them on hand at all times to keep him occupied when he’s in his stall. It helps reduce boredom and keeps him out of trouble!

I hope you all get to spend some quality time with your horse(s) in the next few weeks! Even if you can’t get out and ride, sometimes a little extra time just hanging out with your horse is all you need to feel refreshed and relaxed. Dancer and I wish you all a very merry holiday season and a wonderful new year!