Horse Camp – Supply List

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If you’re like me, you may have a few bins stashed away filled with random craft supplies. Things that you keep on hand “just in case” you may need them. As a life-long crafter and artist, I always seem to have arts and crafts supplies around. I pulled from my own stash of supplies when I was brainstorming and creating the games and activities for the Horse Camp curriculum, but I also tried my best to use things that could easily be found around the house like paper towel tubes, dish soap, and duct tape. Your kids probably have a large portion of these in their school supplies as well. If you need to restock your craft bin, most of these items can be purchased at Dollar Tree, Walmart, or on Amazon (linked).

What you need

Some of the items on this list are necessary for the craft projects and games, but others can be swapped out with whatever you have on hand. Feel free to be creative and use what you have. For example, if you don’t have a water table or large bin, bring it all into the bathtub! If you need a substitute for oats/corn/rice for the scooping activity, you could just use sand from your backyard and imagine it’s tasty grain for the horses. If you don’t have three large bowls or buckets, use plates, frisbees, or draw circles onto pieces of paper. I’m all about using what you have to make things work in a creative way!