I decided to rinse Dancer off the other day after a ride in the hot/humid afternoon sun. I use the sweat scraper to dry him off as much as I could and put him back in his paddock. I had barely latched the gate when he started going down. It was a nice large patch of dirt. Perfect for a

We've all been there. Covered in white, sticky paste as your horse tosses his head, clamps his jaw down and refuses to open his mouth and accept his de-wormer! Trying to get a paste de-wormer into your horse's mouth often results in him and you being covered in half of the tube of paste, which only makes the horse angry

Did you know there is one specific way to install a t-post? I did not. This is not even something that crossed my mind when I ordered the one-size-fits-all t-post extenders for my electric polytape fencing to go around Dancer's pasture. I wanted to put 5" extenders so that he wouldn't go near the plain wire fence because I know

'The God of Animals' by Aryn Kyle was a surprisingly great book! I say surprisingly because I'd never heard of the author, or the book, before I picked it up. The image of a horse on the cover drew me in, and the description on the back included many great reviews. One of the reviews mentioned that although the setting

It looks great in movies. The old, sagging fences stretching across mountainous landscapes or in the background as the cowboy trots past on his steed. Or maybe the other scene where the cowboy puts up a fence, never snagging or slicing himself in the process. Well, I must let you in on a little secret: barbed wire is not as