When the temperature drops below 40 degrees, do your feet start to turn into icicles? Mine definitely do! For years, I've been cleaning stalls and doing barn chores in the winter with either regular boots and about 5 pairs of socks or rain boots with multiple pairs of socks. Neither worked that great. Finally, this fall, I started doing some research on which winter boots would be best. I looked at multiple pairs and found some great ones, but I had a few stipulations...they had to be in my (limited) price range and they had to work better than my previous options mentioned above. The other stipulation, although not required, was for them to actually look cute...

Normally when a girl brings her boyfriend home for the first time, she's terrified that her parents will hate him...or tell way too many embarrassing stories! I was not worried when my parents met Ryan, because I knew they would love him. I was more worried about Ryan meeting Dancer! You see, Dancer has a certain "way" with people he doesn't know. Or people that he thinks he can scare easily. I'm used to his orneriness, but others tend to be a little wary of him when he gets that look in his eye. Well, Ryan and I weren't exactly dating at the time but we were spending so much time together that it was only a matter of time before one of us made it "official". (I think it was actually made "official" just a few weeks after this meeting...if you can believe that!) I wanted Ryan to meet Dancer because he'd been listening to me chatter incessantly about him and other horse related things for months. Ryan said he used to ride with his Aunt when he was younger, and I knew he liked animals, so I figured they'd get along great!

Hay There! Welcome to this equestrian’s guide! A guide to what, you may ask? Well, I’d like to call it a guide to equestrian life. This will include everything from horse training tips, product reviews, stories about my horse and probably some aspects of my own life included. So you’re probably wondering who I am and why I wanted to start this blog in the first place. Well, my name is Lauren and I’m from the windy state of Oklahoma. I’m a life-long horse lover and have been riding for over 15 years (both western & English…currently English). I went to a liberal arts college and majored in graphic design so I’ve pretty much perfected the term “starving artist”. While attending college, I met my wonderful husband Ryan who just happens to be highly allergic to horses. Go figure! We have two furry kids – my horse, Dancer, a 13yr old Appaloosa gelding and our Husky puppy, Koda. We recently moved onto 120 acres outside of the city and have been enjoying country life so far!