I will gladly admit to anyone that I'm completely addicted to Pinterest. It all started a few years ago when some co-workers asked me to join their board for Sunday School craft ideas. I had no idea what Pinterest was, but they sent me an invite and, well, the rest is history

I've been waiting months for this movie to come out. My husband - a movie addict - showed me the preview such a long time ago I had nearly forgotten about it until I saw it on Red Box! You see, I've known about the Extreme Mustang Makeover for quite sometime now and have some crazy idea that I might

Over the past year I've noticed that the horse print trend has almost become as popular as the (now famous by Portlandia) "put a bird on it" trend! Horse print clothing items are everywhere! Now, before I go any further, I must admit that I own quite a few of these myself. When I spotted a burgundy dress with white

When you walk into the barn that I work at on weekends, this sign is probably the first thing you'll see. Conveniently located on the first stall in stark black and white! It was a gift to my trainer from another student and most of us agree with its sentiment. But, there are a few who choose to ignore their trainers