It seems like everywhere you turn, there's a new fitness craze. Yogalates. Piloxing. Prancercising. What?! I can't keep track anymore! And how do you figure out which one is best for you? The topic of fitness in the equestrian world is pretty common, but I couldn't find any specific plans or details for a comprehensive program. After a ton of research

Hello? Anyone still here? Yes, I realize it's been ages since my last post and I apologize for being a total slacker. What could possibly keep me away, you might ask? Well, I wish I could say that I've been secretly traveling the horse show circuit or working as an undercover reporter in the streets of Paris or anything more

I've spent many hours explaining horsey terms and identifying equipment for family and friends, but the latest question got me thinking more seriously about trying it myself. First off, what in the world is a "kür"? It's a German word meaning "freestyle" and it's most commonly pronounced like "coor". Here in the states, it's oftened referred to as "musical freestyle"