Earlier this year, I posted a blanket guide that highlighted some of the many things I've learned in my experience with blanketing along with tips I received from others. As I got Dancer's blanket out from storage and began waterproofing, I thought back a few years when I was still a blanket newbie. I had trouble finding all of the

Last weekend, I had the privilege of helping behind the scenes at the Gypsy Horse Open House in Bixby, OK. We're good friends with the owners of Green Country Gypsy Horses so when they asked me to come along and help out, I jumped at the chance. I've been their "horse sitter" for a few years now and it's been

Does your horse have specific colors? Do you match your brushes, tack boxes, bridle bags and saddle pads? I know I can't be the only one out there that sticks to one color scheme for all of my horse's "stuff". Dancer's color has been red for a while. I know what you're thinking

The sport of Skijoring was something that slid under my radar until recently and now I'm completely intrigued! Skijoring, a sport that's been around for a few hundred years, involves a person wearing skis being pulled by a horse, dog or motor vehicle. Equestrian skijoring was officially recognized in 1999, but I have a feeling it's been around much longer

With the cool weather creeping up on us, I've found myself slowly incorporating cold weather items back into my wardrobe. A scarf is a great transitional item and can be worn in any season. I love scarves because they're an easy and fairly inexpensive way to add variety and pops of color to every day outfits. Here are a few