Temperatures are finally dropping in the sauna that we call Oklahoma! That means more riding time (finally!), cozy sweaters, changing leaves and pumpkin everything! I am definitely excited to spend more time outdoors and put together a list of everything you need for an equestrian themed picnic! Whether it's at the barn, your local park or even your own backyard,

The first time I saw her work was in a "Cowboys and Indians" magazine. I was instantly drawn to her unique style of printing and her bright colors. Of course, the subject matter was also appealing! I went to the internet for more information and for more of these fabulous works of art! I found a vast quantity of work and

The word "easy" and cleaning tack normally aren't used in the same sentence. I realize that. I assure you that I haven't completely lost my mind. I've just discovered a great product that has significantly cut down my tack cleaning time. Tack wipes! I know, not a new concept. But why are so many people against them? I've found that

That's right, I said Wingbone. With a "W". Never heard of it? It's a new one for me too. I got a little worried a few weeks ago when I noticed protruding bumps around Dancer's front pasterns. I thought it was strange that it was on both front pasterns in the same spot. I monitored them for a few days,